Monday, June 27, 2011

Rome Festivities

Rome has always been a city rich of events. Sometimes you can find traces of celebrations and festivities that go deep in the roots of Italian history of Rome and Italy. There are many religious celebrations, but not all are from the Roman Catholic tradition.

For example the celebration of the Purim holiday is a Jewish festivity. The date of the celebration changes every year but is however included between the last days of February and the first ones of March. Romans have renamed the celebration the Carnival of the Jewish since the most visible part of the celebration is children going around dressed up like Ester and Mordechai, the liberators of the Jewish people.

The celebration of Rosh Ha-shanà celebrates the sovereignty of God on earth. It consists of the 10 days of prayer and repentance and is also the beginning of the religious Jewish year.

The birthday of Rome is celebrated on the day when the city was supposedly founded on April 21, 753 BC. It is celebrated every year with a series of happenings that last 10 days and conclude on April 25 coinciding with the anniversary of the liberation of the city during World War II. On April 21 there is a solemn Celebration in Campidoglio.

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